Thursday, October 15, 2009

Bachchan tells Oprah he'd like to have an overrated legacy-baby soon

Making his first appearance on the Oprah Winfrey Show, Indian super-actor Abhishek Bachchan announced to a delighted audience that he’d soon like to have a mediocre talent of a baby.


“After what I’ve been through and the success I’ve had, I just want to pass it all on to a child who won’t really have to work hard or do anything,” said Bachchan as his wife clutched his hand, trying not to blow away. “I hope that thanks to the time and effort I’ve put in, I can raise a child who can simply live off my success and enjoy their life.”


It was Bachchan’s first appearance on the show, and while he appeared nervous at first, he opened up to the crowd when Oprah broached the subject of children.


“Any child of mine will be able to walk right out of bed, completely unshaven, and onto the set of any movie. He’ll say ‘I’m Abhishek Bachchan’s son’ and they’ll give him what he wants. To me, that’s what I worked so hard for.”


The segment turned into a monologue of sorts, with Bachchan continuing to rave about how his talents will affect future generations of his family. He went so far as to express hopes that his son would star in the next installment of Umrao Jaan.

“I don’t care! Let my son be some goon with no romantic ability on-screen. He’ll still be the leading actor in every movie he’s in!”

Bachchan was accompanied by his wife, Aishwariya Rai. The two stirred their fans worldwide when Bachchan kissed Rai on the cheek for the first time on camera.


“It’s liberating,” said Rai of touring the west. “Logistically, this is literally the only place we can be intimate with each other. Every time you try to kiss someone in India, suddenly – snap, cut – you’re in the mountains singing and dancing! “


“Unless you’re Richard Gere,” Oprah insensitively joked.


Although it was Rai’s second appearance on the show, she was much quieter this time, yielding to her baby-crazy husband. Her first appearance came during a promotional tour of her film Bride and Prejiduce, in 2004. During that visit, she took part in the Oprah tradition of audience-give-aways by distributing her talent equally to each member of the screaming, overjoyed audience.

Some of her notable films since have been Raincoat, Dhoom 2, and Jodhaa Akbar.

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