Saturday, March 20, 2010

Incredible India

Ausnahmsweise haben hier die Werbetexter nicht uebertrieben: Indien ist tatsaechlich unglaublich – unglaublich laut, unglaublich hektisch, unglaublich sehenswert, unglaublich dreckig, unglaublich schoen, unglaublich farbenfroh, unglaublich trist, unglaublich reich, unglaublich arm, unglaublich lecker, unglaublich zuvorkommend und unglaublich unverschaemt. Und das unglaublicherweise immer alles gleichzeitig. Indien ist ein Land der Extreme, selten findet man einen ausgewogenen Mittelweg. Jeder Moment des Lebens ist mit allen Sinnen spuerbar. Sobald man die Strasse betritt, hat man herzhafte Gerueche in der Nase, das Trommelfell wird mit lauter Musik und Geschrei massiert und die Augen wissen nicht, wo sie zuerst hinschauen sollen. Es ist ein Land, das in seiner Vielseitigkeit natuerlich auch voller Gegensaetze und Widersprueche steckt. Beispielsweise verhuellen sich die Frauen einerseits, um sich vor den Blicken der Maenner zu schuetzen, andererseits ziehen sie die Blicke durch ihre farbenfrohe Kleidung, ihren glitzernden und klimpernden Schmuck und ihre mit Henna kunstvoll verzierten Haende bewusst auf sich.

Farbenfrohes Indien

Kurz nach unserer Ankunft hat sich Indien in seiner extremen Dreckigkeit praesentiert. Nachdem es eine Nacht durchgeregnet hatte, quollen alle Gullis ueber und wir wollten nicht so genau wissen, woraus die zentimeterdicke braune Schlammschicht auf der Strasse besteht, die wir zum Bahnhof durchqueren mussten. Aber nur eine kurze Zugfahrt spaeter waren wir ueberwaeltigt von dem bezaubernden Anblick des Taj Mahal. Auch wenn man dieses Gebaeude schon unzaehlige Male auf Bildern gesehen hat, macht einen der Anblick dennoch sprachlos (selbst Sarah :-) ). Trotz grauen Himmels hat das Taj Mahal gestrahlt und man wurde aus jedem Blickwinkel in neuerliches Staunen versetzt.

Das wunderschoene Taj Mahal

Nach Agra sind wir in die “pink city” Jaipur gefahren. Man haette sie allerdings ruhig auch “yellow, blue or green city” nennen koennen, denn die Farbe Pink haben wir nicht uebermaessig oft entdecken koennen. Jaipur ist eine typisch indische Metropole, durch zu schnelles Bevoelkerungswachstum platzt sie aus allen Naehten, die Strassen sind verstopft, es ist dreckig und laut. Aber aufgrund vieler schoener Sehenwuerdigkeiten zaehlt Jaipur zu den touristischen Hauptzielen. Uns hat besonders das astronomisches Observatorium “Jantar Mantar” fasziniert, das um 1730 von Maharaja Jai Sing II. errichtet wurde.Die astronomischen Messgeraete wurden megalomaner Groesse ausgefuehrt in dem Glauben, mit Steigerung der Groesse nehme auch die Praezision der Geraete zu. Auch wenn wir kein astronomisches Genie besitzen, fanden wir allein den Anblick dieser bizarren Instrumente, die mehr wie futuristische Architekturen wirken, aeusserst faszinierend.


Instument zur Berechnung der Sonnenzeit

Mit einer weiteren Architektur der besonderen Art konnte das oertliche Kino aufwarten – ein kitschiger, sahnehaubenartig geschwungener Traum in Tuerkis, Pink und Lila. Hier erwartete uns das Bollywood-Drama “My name is Khan”. Auch ohne englische Untertitel konnte man dem Film gut folgen, da die Inder die Angewohnheit haben, die Haelfte ihrer Saetze mit englischen Ausdruecken zu fuellen (“Are you serious…lskjdfsjfa…I cant believe it…skdfsdkfhs…Anyways…”) Und falls man einmal nicht versteht, worum es geht, kann man anhand der Reaktionen des Publikums, wie lautem Beifall, Ausrufen der Empoerung oder jauchzendem Gelaechter, die Zusammenhaenge erkennen.

Kino aus 1001 Nacht

Besondere Erwaehung sollte noch unser Besuch beim Guru finden. Auf zufaelligen Umwegen sind wir bei einem “mineral healer” gelandet – sowas passiert einem wohl nur Indien und gehoert vielleicht auch ein bisschen zu einem Indienbesuch dazu :-) Anfangs waren wir ziemlich skeptisch. Aber nachdem er uns Details aus unserer Vergangenheit anhand von wundersamen Energieuebertragungen der Haende nennen konnte und uns damit auf derzeitige Blockaden in unseren Energiezentren, den Chakren, aufmerksam machen wollte, waren wir verbluefft. Denn tatsaechlich hat er bei Allem, was er gesagt hat, den Nagel auf den Kopf getroffen und wir mussten zugeben, dass dieser Mann offenbar wirklich besondere Faehigkeiten besitzt. Jedenfalls hat er uns den einen oder anderen Denkanstoss gegeben…

Nach dem hektischen Jaipur kam uns der Aufenthalt im entspannten Pushkar gerade Recht. Der Legende nach wurde am dortigen See eine Reinkarnation des Gottes Brahma gesehen. So wurde Pushkar zu einem wichtigen Pilgerort fuer Hinduisten mit einem der bedeutendsten Brahma-Tempel des Landes. Der Ort hat eine ganz eigene Anziehungskraft, die auf seiner entspannten und spirituell aufgeladenen Atmosphaere beruht. Fleisch und Alkohol sind in der Stadt verboten, der Konsum von Marihuana dagegen wird toleriert. Wen wundert es, dass bei der Kombination von Bhang-Lassis (Marihuana-Shakes), Meditationskursen und der gelassenen Atmosphaere, viele Neohippies und Aussteiger von Pushkar magisch angezogen werden und hier haengen bleiben.

An dieser Stelle bleiben auch wir einen Augenblick haengen und berichten spaeter von unseren weiteren Erlebnissen in Indien…


Love Sex Aur Dhokha Movie’s mp3 Songs!

For Download the free mp3 songs of the latest Bollywood Movie Best Of Love Sex Aur Dhokha, Music Directed by Sneha Khanwalkar, Directed by Milind Ukey, Produced by Ekta Kapoor & Shobha Kapoor & Priya Sreedharan, If You Like to Download of Love Sex Aur Dhokha Movie all MP3 Songs Please Click on Songs Title and get the songs Like LSD Title Track by Kailash Kher, Tainu TV Per Wekhya by Kailash Kher and Much More

Free Mp3 Songs


Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Sexy Amisha Patel Reveals Assets


Saturday, March 13, 2010

A review of a pre-globalization society as determined from Maine Pyar Kiya

Civilized cultures existed in pre-Columbian Mesoamerica. Similarly, intelligent life-forms existed in South Asia before the proliferation of cable television, cineplexes, shopping centers, cell phones, and the Internet. Using the cultural keystone Maine Pyar Kiya, I have attempted to painstakingly piece together details about the life of the “common person” as he or she lived in the era predating globalization.

I present a Short Metaphysical and Anthropological Treatise on a Pre-Globalization Society in South Asia as Determined from Sooraj Barjatya’s Maine Pyar Kiya. If I have succeeded in presenting a snapshot of life in that long-gone era, I will consider my life to not have been spent in vain.

Suffice it to say that the Age of Maine Pyar Kiya was for all means and purposes an idyllic one.  However, there were cultural iconoclasts at odds with the prevailing customs of the day (cf. random grumpy faces). Deconstructing the themes leads us to the conclusion that there is irreducible complexity in Maine Pyar Kiya

Disclaimer: These are my personal views and do not necessarily represent the position of the scholarly community. Fair-use rationale for images: All images are low-resolution and used only for purposes of demonstration for no monetary gain where a free equivalent is not available. Copyright of original works resides with the original creator (most likely Rajsri Pictures).

© Text, 2010-2012, Anirban


Tuesday, March 9, 2010

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    The IPL Ad bonanza | Advantage Brands

    I must right now say the disclaimer as well, just in case you have expectations of more inside stories. Well, this here is just an attempt at allating all the brands that have put together campaigns in the last 2 months and as such would be likely appearing in the 50 day long IPL3..Sony having sold 600 hours of advertising in the two month fest.

    The GM Cruze vs Volkswagen Touareg would definitely set the league on fire with Cruze going so far as to show two racing cars. The Tide vs Rin challenge is however unlikely to appear. A good plan would be for the SBI Life and the even newer ICICI ‘Khayal aapka’ old lady making it in the IPL. Does not sound so sporty but the older set would really appreciate during the dinner games every day from 8 pm

    And come March 12, we should be rid of those abhorrent Ads from SET MAX showing gly IPL lead ins..The one about the young set commentating there is especially a known put downer. Of course, the hits keep coming from both Airtel and Vodafone..people looking forward to more Zoo Zoos. Also with the strategy break only 2 and a half minutes, there would be more urgency to stay on field. On Display boards and in stadia advertising we should get the usual supporting evidence of Hero Honda and Samsung/ maybe some LG. That is total should cover all my household purchases excet for some Tea and cookie ads..but yes the biggest budgets are likely to be that of Coke with Imran and Akshay from Bollywood and Pepsi with all its drinks and food brands, adventure sport campaign from Mountain Dew a virtual certainty

    Canon’s come back story seems to be a well kept secret in the marketing circles, and we are almost sure their campaign won’t be a featured run.

    A lot of the sponsor brands have run out of time to make their presence felt. I would have suggested higher visibility for some of them. and of course Irene’s Cadbury Kraft story too..


    Thursday, March 4, 2010

    What constitutes to a good movie?

    Every Monday during my lunch break I have a ritualized punch up with my colleagues while discussing the movies seen over the weekend!  The bone of contention usually is rating a movie as good or not. Unfortunately differing tastes are not considered yardsticks for any comparison.

    My colleagues are die-hard fans of Aamir Khan and I am more pragmatic or rather too cynical to burn incense at any matinee idols alter. I personally  feel that Ghajni was a terrible waste of time and 3 Idiots though had its moments wasn’t a flawless movie without many other superior movies made in 2009!

    Maybe I am a bit snobbish and belong to the “multiplex” crowd. Or maybe watching too many hollywood movies which shamelessly steal from hindi movies have made me too jaded… But for me a good movie is a movie which entertains, interests and makes one emote…. Not at all any movie which the actors or directors joyfully suggest “Ki dimag ghar pe chodd ke dekho” that to me is like suggesting that if rape is inevitable then might as well lie back and enjoy…. Yes, I find it that offensive. More over I have spent the past few decades clawing hard to reach a higher plain of intelligence and refuse to dumb down so that I could find Akshay Kumar farting on Amrita Arora’s face funny. My colleagues at this juncture argue that whatever but the movie has been financially successful… ahhhh!!

    Sometimes I am forced to question my views. Am I being too snobbish to not enjoy most of the bollywood fare? Am I too much of an elitest to not enjoy those movies that the masses enjoy? Thankfully, all doubts evaporate instantly when I go home and switch on the telly and catch basically anything from the 90’s…

    p.s: I do not HATE hindi movies on contrary I am really excited about watch the Road Movie, Lahore and Love, Sex aur Dhokha this March.


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    Freaks cause with pentagrams, spell and precious pebble dressed in black leather cool girl named Alexandra who killed four guards in the museum, where she found this little pebble. Unleashed some evil in the form of a peasant in a black cloak, and he ordered her to find the second stone, otherwise – a painful, slow death. The second stone is on the neck cool cop, he must obey two ghouls. Made this stupid movie shooting, fights, chases and killings in the comedy vein.


    Tuesday, March 2, 2010



    Poonam Dasgupta and Rahul Roy hosted a Dry Holi Party to save water at Poonam’s residence at Yari Road in suburban Mumbai. Seen enjoying themselves at the function were the hosts Poonam Dasgupta, Naveen Luthra,  Rahul Roy of Aashiqui fame, Amit Pachori (Jhansi Ki Rani on Zee) his four year old son Lakshya and wife, Mamik (Jo jeeta who Sikandar) and his lovely wife Meenakshi, publicist Flynn Remedios, South actress and jewellery designer Neelakshi Singh, Bollywood actress Preetii Jain and many other TV and film personalities.


    According to Poonam Dasgupta the water shortage in Mumbai due to scanty rains this year, prompted her to use an innovative method of celebrating Holi. While the normal organic dry colours were used, Poonam used dried flowers and normal flowers instead of wet colours.


    Television and film actress Poonam Dasgupta, who has done over 100 films and tele serials, (notably Dil Ka Doctor with Anupam Kher, Mr Bond with Akshay Kumar, Dil Ke Jharokhe Mein with Manisha Koirala and Vikas Bhalla, Fauji with Dharmendra, Ganga Kahe Pukar Ke with Rakesh Pande, Geeta Ki Saugandh with Dharmendra and TV serials like Betaal Pachishi directed by Sunil Agnihotri, Black Cat produced by Kumar Sanu, Bus Stop Ki Raat, Commander, Kabhi Haan Kabhi Naa, Kismat and Kya Baat Hein directed by Ramesh Sippy, Shrimaan Shrimati, Swabhimaan produced by Shobha De, Tehkikaat with Karan Razdan, The Great Maratha directed by Sanjay Khan and The Zee Horror Show to name a few), will return to her first love – acting with her home production Begum Sahiba – after a hiatus of almost ten years.

    Begum Sahiba one of India’s most expensive stage productions, which ran to packed houses all over India featured Rahul Roy, Amit Pachori, Raj Premi, Zara, Poonam Dasgupta and was directed by Kiran Avidukuno.









    Teen Patti and Karthik Calling Karthik

    Teen Patti and Karthik Calling Karthik are the two biggies that release this weekend and both look refreshingly different.

    Teen Patti is directed by Leena Yadav and stars Amitabh Bachchan, Hollywood star Ben Kingsley (who played the role of Gandhi), Madhavan – straight after the success of 3 Idiots, débutante Shraddha Kapoor who is the daughter of Shakti Kapoor and many other special appearances. The film is a thriller.

    Karthik Calling Karthik features Farhan Akhtar – Deepika Padukone in lead roles and is directed by Vijay Lalwani. The film is about an introvert Karthik, whose life changes drastically when someone who also claims to be Karthik comes into his life. The film is a journey of a man’s victory against all odds. The trailers have created enough buzz and the film is expected to open to a good response on Friday.


    Tuesday, February 23, 2010

    Celeb Saheli: Padma Lakshmi Welcomes Baby Girl

    Padma Lakshmi, the chic host of Bravo’s Top Chef is one of our top saheli icons. Her fashion combines modern and traditional elements in unexpected ways and encompasses the new vibe of modern desi women in the U.S. (Check out her cute and comfy pregnant mama style). Her jewelery line too has fabulous pieces that any saheli would want in her jewelry box Thats why we are thrilled to announce that she is our first highlighted Saheli Mama because she just recently gave birth to a daughter – Krishna. More details at here


    Sunday, February 21, 2010

    From Bukow to Bollywood

    Published in Mega Modelz magazine – Oct-Dec 2009 Issue – © Manali

    Meet Claudia Ciesla. All of 22 and she is already taking the world by charm with her curvaceously gorgeous appeal and her latest desire to make it big in Bollywood. While we execute an exclusive ‘Bollywood Retro’ photoshoot in Delhi, this 5’9” German green eyed mesmerizer is all set to wow the audiences of Indian television through the all time favourite reality show Big Boss 3

    MM: Tell us about your most interesting assignment so far?

    Claudia: I had shot for Mercedes Customer Magazine in Germany that represented the new E-class. I love cars and it was great to know that they’d selected me for this kind of assignment.

    MM: You have already done a film, boast several fashion shoots to your accolade, became a brand ambassador for an university, been involved with a leading NGO and have already been linked with Bollywood superstars like Abhishek Bachchan and Salman Khan… Your Indian experience must’ve been overwhelming! Comment.

    Claudia: My experience has always been great. Coming from Bukaw, a small town in Germany, a lot of times I was overwhelmed by the friendliness and hospitality I got from the Indian people… they made me feel at home and that’s the best feeling you can possibly have.

    MM: What are your plans for India?

    Claudia: I am very serious about working and finding my way out in India as I feel my future lies in this country. I am looking forward to learn Hindi and find a nice apartment in Mumbai too.

    MM: Given a choice, what type of Bollywood film would you like to be part of?

    Claudia: I am very sportive. I can easily manage any kind of sports and this includes martial arts too. I am not afraid of doing my own stunts. So one day, I would like to show some of these abilities in an action movie. But I can assimilate to any kind of roles – the most important is a good script, an excellent director and a great cast and crew who would make me feel like family, as I did with my former productions.

    MM: Who is your favourite bollywood star?

    Claudia: My favourite actor is Amitabh Bachchan for sure. He is a true Godfather of all actors in Bollywood and I love his film ‘Black’ so much. In actresses, I really love the work of Priyanka Chopra and I think she is very beautiful.

    MM: Any role done by an Indian actress that you would love to do if given a chance?

    Claudia: I loved the film ‘Om Shanti Om’ and the actress’s lead role would surely be interesting one to take up.

    MM: Any intensions in settling down in India?

    Claudia: Sure, that’s my plan.

    MM: What do you think of the Indian fashion industry? Any designer that you particularly like?

    Claudia: I love Indian fashion. On the whole, I like the designs by Ritu Kumar and Manish Malhotra.

    MM: What’s your opinion about the Indian models?

    Claudia: I think Indian models are very beautiful, with wonderful thick black hair and big eyes. There are certainly more female models in India than in Europe!

    MM: How would you describe yourself?

    Claudia: I see myself as a modern, original, up-to-date, practical and a straightforward person.

    MM: How romantic a person are you?

    Claudia: I am very realistic, not at all a dreamer. I have faced many situations in the past that taught me the hard way and I realised life is not an easy game at all. Romantic moments or rather intense moments can be strong when I am around my best friends or family members, where I feel elatedly cozy. Also, I enjoy listening to nice music and relaxing by some nice beach with white sands, palm trees and a great full red sunset ambience…

    MM: Who would be your dream date from Bollywood?

    Claudia: Hmm… Okay, no names! The dream date could be a nice guy who makes me feel at home… and the one who gets me laughing and smiling often! *Winks*


    Saturday, February 20, 2010

    My Name Is Khan glorifies Islam, message is Pan Islamic

    In fact, the buzz is also strong that SRK couldn’t have taken an anti- Pakistan stand because MNIK has a strong pro- Muslim storyline. Also, SRK enjoys a huge fan base in Pakistan.

    “My Name Is Khan glorifies Muslims with the line that not all Khans can be called terrorists. In such a scenario, the star cannot afford to anger Muslims and especially spoil his Pakistan market. Already, the buzz is strong about his film in the Muslim world after the Sena issue,” pointed out a trade analyst.


    The stakes are high for MNIK , and a failure at the box- office would severely harm SRK’s position in the industry.

    If you have seen MNIK you will know that the film’s theme and message is pan-Islamic, the audience spread all over the planet but concentrated in South Asia, the Middle East including the Gulf, and Europe.

    The IPL-Pak players’ issue was secondary to MINK but at the same time central to ensure that MINK was accepted by Muslims worldwide. For once in his life SRK played the Muslim card. The man who said he wouldn’t apologise to the SS and asked why he should at all do that was to begin with willing to create a tense environment in Mumbai and India. That is the bottom line.

    Looking back everything is clear as mirror. My Name Is Khan is an international hit. SRK played his cards well. I think he should now get his bearings right and head for northwest Pakistan, pick up the Raju/Rahul name/act and do an action flick with the last scene showing him at the entrance to Osama’s cave dwelling telling that long-beard in a measured tone ‘hey My Name Is Not Khan…’



    Tuesday, February 16, 2010

    Bollywood invading Pakistan

    Not so long ago, very few people could even think of watching an indian movie. Firstly, they were not shown in the Pakistani cinemas, secondly, people did not own a VCR. As time passed by, there was an exponential rise in the video rental shops and all kinds of movies were readily available to the public. VCRs were becoming less expensive and one could get it on rent as well. Watching a movie over a weekend was considered to be a treat and it was not a bad one in those times.

    The arrival of satellite tv, dish antennae and cable TV has changed the scene altogether. Now an infinite number of foreign channels were available including the indian channels. This meant that Pakistani public especially the youth was exposed to the vulgarities of the indian culture. This had adverse effects on the youth of this country. Now they spent more time watching ridiculous soap operas and obscene hindi movies. The final nail in the coffin was the permission to show indian movies in pakistani cinemas.

    There is a need for a massive campaign to root out this evil from our country. To let our young children know that this is not our culture, this is not what our religion teaches us. This is media warfare, to make us deaf and blind of the realties around us. To make us indifferent on whats happening to our brothers around the world. We cannot let our country become a Godless state.


    My History With 'Bad' Books/Movies

    I love reading books & watching movies. Love! And yet, I’m one of those few people who really hasn’t read much that he’s hated, or seen many movies that he’s disliked (relative to how many I’ve liked). Sure, there are some, but very few. I’m very picky in the sense that if I don’t think I’m going to like it, I’ll avoid it. And if I’ve started it and hate it… I’ll quit (most of the time). But still, there are things I’ve regretted reading/watching in the past.

    I’m not quite sure when it started. I didn’t really watching many movies (Hollywood or Bollywood) until way late (and even then, it was normally Bollywood). In 2001, we went to the theater (me, my brother, 2 friends) to watch the new Harry Potter movie (the first one). It was sold out, so we ended up getting tickets for the next show that started… Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within. That was my first introduction to a really bad film… I hated it. But we were at a theater, so I sat through the whole thing.

    Not that the other option would’ve been much better. My love affair with the Harry Potter movies lasted for all of about half the first movie. I’ve only seen the 1st two movies as it… never got into it. The books are a different story. I loved the series. I picked up the last 4 books from the library the day they came out, and had them read in a day each. It was sometime early into the 7th book that I realized I didn’t even really like it. After about the 3rd book, the awesomeness had worn off. The 7th book completely ruined it, with the 300 pages spent wasting time in the forest, and the completely unnecessary epilogue. Whatever. I read the series, I enjoyed it at the time… but I’ll probably never read it again.

    That’s not the only series I’ve had issues with though. Ender’s Game was a blast… but the rest of the series (I got about 3 books in) wasn’t that good. Animorphs was very enjoyable… and then the last book happened (especially the ending). Redwall was great was like the first 10 books… and then I realized that it was pretty much the same thing every time. Away from the series thing… Mistress of the Art of Death really wasn’t that bad. Until they went to the supernatural thing near the end. Same with Pirate Latitudes with the kraken.

    Books are different though (maybe). It’s not really the actors drawing you in or anything… it goes based on the plot you read on the back of the book, or a recommendation from someone, or something like that. So you never really know how much you’ll get drawn in. Movies are a completely different thing. Sometimes, you just give the benefit of the doubt to the actor/director/someone. I do occasionally do this with authors, but only if I really love their stuff, in which case I probably have enough to go on to note hate anything they’ve written. I actually can’t think of the last book I’ve had to quit before the end because it sucked. The same can’t be said of movies.

    Of course, there are the movies I’ve sat through. (This list could go on for a while… normally I’m watching with other people because they wanted to.) Final Fantasy, as mentioned above. Neal ‘N’ Nikki, because I assumed a famed producing house like Yash Raj Film wouldn’t attempt to make a skin flick so soon after Naach (which I’ve never seen). Jaani Dushman, because if you had told me beforehand that that a movie starring Akshay Kumar, Arshad Warsi, Aftab, Sunil Shetty & Sunny Deol (whom I hate) amongst others would blow so bad, I’d have laughed at you. Non-stop. Zaalim, because Akshay Kumar in 1994 had some great movies… of which this wasn’t one as I now know. Kisse Pyaar Karoon? because Arshad Warsi & Aashish Chaudhary are great. Or were. And on and on. (And that’s just some that I do see… think of all the ones I skip over.)

    And then there are ones like Humko Tumse Pyaar Hain, where it takes 5 minutes for me to decide that I’ll hate it and I get up and leave. The Foundation series by Asimov was a huge turn-off because of the lack of a constant main character throughout. Titanic which I sat through… though I was sleeping for most of it. Because it sucked. There was some book I picked up the same time I picked up a Jasper Fforde novel. Loved the Fforde novel, but I’ve even forgotten the name of the other book. I only got like 10 pages in before giving up.

    Speaking of Foundation & Ender’s Game… science fiction. I love Douglas Adams. I love Michael Crichton. But aside from that, the genre just goes right over my head. Snow Crash (recommended to me). Jumper (because the movie seemed to have something interesting going for it). Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep. War of the Worlds. … Science fiction & me obviously don’t mesh. I read quite a few of the “top rated” sci-fi books because I really wanted to get into it… I just couldn’t. It didn’t work.

    In general though, the number of books I’ve read/movies I’ve seen and actually enjoyed to the number of books/movies I’ve hated is very high… I’ve become fairly good at avoiding things I don’t think I’ll like. And I’ve come to know (for the most part) who I can trust and who I can’t with recommendations. (For example… I rarely agree with movie critics, who seem to have forgotten how to laugh.) The other things I’ve learned to do… if I’m not liking something, I just start laughing at it. Makes things so much better.

    (This was my post to try and avoid having to start looking back at all the books I’ve read recently… though I should start at some point soon.)


    Tuesday, February 9, 2010

    Aishwarya Rai Bachchan scores a 10 crores in 2010

    Aishwarya Rai Bachchan is now d highest paid actress in Bollywood Industry. Aishwarya Rai Bachchan

    Aishwarya Rai Bachchan

    In a Recent Development Bobby Pushkarna (“Page3″ fame) has offered ash a stunning 10 corers deal.

    The whole story inside

    Aishwarya Rai Bachchan may have chosen to take it easy post her marriage, but a recent development in her career has made all those speechless who feel that the beautiful actress’ career is no longer on an upswing. She has broken the record of Kareena Kapoor with her whopping ten crores contract for her latest film. Earlier, this honor was with Kareena Kapoor with a figure of seven crores.

    The film is to be produced Bobby Pushkarna, of the critically acclaimed film ‘Page 3′. Pushkarna was keen on cast Ash only and was determined to shelve the project if the lady did not give an affirmative nod. Finally, after a three-month long chase, Pushkarna was able to persuade her to do his film.

    The deal has not yet been finalized in pen and paper but both the parties seem positive.


    Saturday, February 6, 2010

    Sexy Kiss Scenes – Celebrity Kiss

    Aishwarya_Vivek Anil_Kapoor Anjala_Jahveri Antra_Abhishek  Diya_Murza  Mallika_MurderKareen_Fardeen guess  Madhuri_Vinod  Mallika_Sherawat Dimple_RishiMeghna_NaiduKarishma_AmirManisha_Bobby   South_Indian uk2 Neha_Duphia
