Thursday, January 14, 2010

3 Idiots


Wahey! Aamir Khan has a blog. This is a lovely surprise as I was looking for an email address or facebook page to  let him and the entire team of ‘3 idiots’ know what a beautifully crafted production they conjured up.

 I’m sure you’ve heard it all before but hey I’d like to say my piece too! For me 3 idiots like many of your recent productions touched on many deep realities that get caught in the world of conforming. Living up to every one’s expectations and facing circumstances and situations as we’re growing up can have disastrous consequences if not handled correctly.

Each character was thought of so well! Loved the Professor from the fine details of exemplifying his sense of competition that even if someone cycling an inch ahead of him he has to speed up! The emotional bondage of friendship was also illustrated so beautifully the pranks, fall outs, riding through the tough time, trials and tribulations of parents, peer groups, in mates. The importance of cement in our lives is highlighted really well as it’s not just placing the bricks of each phase of our lives on top of each other, It’s living the moment capturing the essence of the experiences we are living and thus memories we are creating.

The education system correctly exposed in various institutes around the world focusing on the parrot method of learning where there is little room for personal growth. My favourite seen amongst many (Rancho’s entrance, the speech, the gate crashing at the weddings…) was probably the last scene where ‘Kareena’ drives a scooter in her wedding attire, removes her helmet just like ‘Rancho’s’ dream but instead of kissing him she slaps him! Alongside his friends having found him after so many years start beating him up….raw friendship, a combination of love and anger then when they are all silent burst out laughing and hug each other!

‘3 idiots’  is sheer genius, with its unpredictable storyline, each phase as gripping as the next all inter woven with comedy, romance, twists and turns leaving us all bewildered as the film ends. The best roller coaster of a film I’ve watched in a long time.

Thank you and keep up the good work!

Hope Aal izz well? tee hee

Here’s some song links to the movie  ‘3 idiots’


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