Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The five to three job...

We all saw the spat . It was hard not to since it was everywhere from newspapers to the idiot box and virtual space too . From Twitter to Times  the nation fought over who was in the right . It were the darlings of the country who exchanged brickbats , sometimes subtly and sometimes overtly . So , who was in the right – the star writer who brought an entire generation to the reading room or the filmmaker who redefined the way India saw Gandhi .

Well , actually both are . Nobody can say that the movie doesn’t borrow liberally from the book and nobody can call the movie a rip off  either . So , the question is of perception . It is in this forest of grey that the war is being fought . From the writer’s view point , if anybody were to write the summary of the movie then it wouldn’t differ too much from the book . From the film maker’s viewpoint , the story lies in the details – frame to frame , the end product has turned very differently from the book .

I think everybody who went to see the movie went under the illusion that it was Five point someone –  the movie . And with the cult status enjoyed by the book , there was no way the film makers were going to deny the rumor mills . So , they played along . The movie broke the bank , it was an uber success . But Chetan Bhagat would have surely liked a lot more credit . To squeeze in his name at the end must have surely hurt and betrayed him of  his tryst in the limelight . And , so he took up the cudgels against the movie makers demanding adequate credit for himself . The film makers were never going to let anybody spoil their party and so the fought back – showed contracts and interview transcripts . There is still no signs of the controversy fizzing out – Bhagat would like to have more credit as the script draws heavily from his book , Hirani and Co wouldn’t want their movie to be known as the Five Point Someone movie.

[Via http://varunvasisht.wordpress.com]

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